I’m all Snacked out: Top 5 Snacks

I’m all Snacked out: Top 5 Snacks

The term snack is nostalgic for me. It reminds me of my childhood days when the bell hit 10 am.. Ding Ding Ding.. and every kid in class knew it was RECESS TIME! We hurried to our lunch pails for our snacks and munched on them…

Lactose Intolerant? Best alternatives to drinking milk!

Lactose Intolerant? Best alternatives to drinking milk!

Are you lactose intolerant? If yes, you are in the right place. Like most Asians as myself, our bodies lack the necessary lactase enzymes to digest dairy. Therefore, we experience diarrhea, bloating and gas. Despite this fact, there are other alternatives to drinking milk, while receiving the recommended daily…

5 Best Money Saving Apps

5 Best Money Saving Apps

Check out the following 5 best money saving apps for food. These apps are easy to use,  and  are the 5 best apps I frequently use and recommend! Remember to always use them  when you shop. Be patient and you are guaranteed cash back! 

A Day in the Foodie Life of an Archaeologist

A Day in the Foodie Life of an Archaeologist

As an archaeologist, I make sure to bring enough food and fluids for work since the days are hot in Hawaii.  Those who  work in a related or similar field to archaeology will agree. The sun drains you and you need food and water to…

Origins of Ramen

Origins of Ramen

Ramen is a Japanesee noodle dish, which traces its origins back to China. Ramen is made of noodles, broth and flavoring sauce. The noodles are made from wheat flour, salt, water, and baking infused water. [1]